when i first heard this track on Shad's TSOL album, tears came to my eyes. a beautiful ode to all the women that have shaped and influenced his life, personally and professionally, 'Keep Shining' is positive and uplifting and reinforces that 'true beauty doesn't run from the light.' the video features women of all walks of life spreading the message. love it.
'no curls too tight, no mind too bright, no skin too dark to keep shining'
today marks what would have been the 65th birthday of robert nesta marley. a visionary and a messenger, the impact of his music in my life is almost impossible to describe. i just don't remember my life without him.
a nomadic afropolitan...a recovering procrastinator...a purveyor of awesome...a work in progress. creative director at @eeloom.
love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place
--zora neale hurston
while falling may be inevitable, it does not have to be crippling; so when I get up, it is so I might master my balance. In balance there is might. --john forté
i am deliberate and afraid of nothing
--audre lorde
[artwork credit: adapted 'wrapped in pride' by raul guerra]