after being granted a sentence commutation on november 25th 2008, john forté is free from prison, today. he has served 7 years out of a 14 year sentence--the mandatory minimum sentence of a conviction of 'posession with intent to distribute'-- and a relatively harsh sentence for a first-time, non-violent offender. mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses tend to unfairly target people of color in the US, leading to disproportionate sentences.
sadly, forté's myspace page has also been disabled, taking it with it the brilliant, insightful entries he would post on his blog (via a friend), while incarcerated. these are the words that affected met the most:
While falling may be inevitable, it does not have to be crippling; so when I get up, it is so I might master my balance. In balance there is might.
--john forté

I thought i was going to stumble upon a collection of the verses by the geinus ex-convict, looks like i have to wait for the new site, thats if prison didnt finally break him down!!
Umm, about the black people being given harsher sentences,al still side with Malcom X, Betty X and all the other X chaps being villified in favor of Martin Luther and his words!
Am sure this ballistic blog will inform us when Forte's new site is finally "done with construction"!
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