i've waxed lyrical about afropolitan recording artist and producer kenna and his awesome before, so i'm mad geeked about this: in 2011, kenna will release a three-part EP series entitled the land 2 air chronicles. the first of the trilogy is land 2 air I: chaos and darkness and it will be launched today, april 26th, with a brand new single, chains. the single features sammy hoffa, also known as chad hugo of the neptunes, with whom kenna has been collaborating since he's first album. the track is co-written by paul banks of interpol and is described as 'a piece of pure pop-electro and dance mastery [that] reflects kenna's bravado and history as he step out of the shadows with a new found sound and confidence.'
out of the three EPs, land 2 air I: chaos and darkness is the darkest, capturing kenna's 'personal account of the struggle to break free of the barriers that prevent one's vision from coming to life or taking flight.' each EP will feature three new songs accompanied by original artwork and they will lead up to kenna's much-anticipated third studio album songs for flight, the inspiration for which comes in part from his gruelling experience as he attempted to climb to the top of mount kilimanjaro for summit on the summit, a philanthropic project he spearheaded in 2010 to raise awareness about the clean water global crisis.
land 2 air I: chaos and darkness will be released digitally today, april 26th, in all retail outlets around the world. i suspect it'll create much fodder for TV and movie soundtracks. mark my words!
the video should be out later today...in the meantime, download chains (featuring shimmy hoffa) here.

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