you know who's a) awesome and b) ridiculously slept on? tumi and the volume. from their latest album, pick a dream(the quartet's third alubm, nominated for a south african music award in the best rap album category) here's the brand new video for the first single: asinamali. literally translating as 'i have no money', this track tackles the attitudes to and politics of fame and money, and all that comes with it. also: it's highly head-nod-able.
a nomadic afropolitan...a recovering procrastinator...a purveyor of awesome...a work in progress. creative director at @eeloom.
love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place
--zora neale hurston
while falling may be inevitable, it does not have to be crippling; so when I get up, it is so I might master my balance. In balance there is might. --john forté
i am deliberate and afraid of nothing
--audre lorde
[artwork credit: adapted 'wrapped in pride' by raul guerra]
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