i lost my niece in a car accident today. we're all sitting around in a state of disbelief, hoping--as one does under these circumstances--that it's all a big mistake. a year ago, this week, we lost a cousin in a car accident. and now it's happening all over again.
she was only 22. just completed her degree. she was driving to a funeral when it happened. a car full of young men and women on the way to bury a friend. it's a bitter and harsh irony.
i pray for her mother who adored her. i pray for her father. i pray for the sister with whom she was so close. i pray for those of her friends still in critical condition. i pray for those who died instantly. and i pray that she didn't suffer.
i feel so crushed...so heartbroken, i can't even imagine what her parents and sister are going through...what the loved ones of the other victims are going through.
and, most of all, i can't accept that this was "her time to go."

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